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Wellcome to Ad's eggcup collection and swappingpoint


Let me introduce ourselves: We are Ad and Riek Koetsier, (1951/1953), married and we have two children. We collect eggcups since 1980. I am a little more occupied with it than she is. It soon appeared we had to specialise because of the available room. That's why we focussed on pedestal eggcups, porcelain and pottery, and the result is (july 2024) 51.500 egg cups. Many people ask: Where do you leave that amount of eggcups". We have a dining room and in there we have three showcabinets (2x2x0.2m). Two containing porcelain and one pottery. Series of a model. What rests is, sorted on model, situated in our pocillovarium (=egg cup room) which is in our build-out  former garage. There are 200 standing drawers in it in which there is room for about 70.000 egg cups.

 pocillovarium  ceramics cabinet  porcelain cabinet1  porcelain cabinet 2

If you want a better vieuw, click on the pictures to enlarge them.

In the beginning I wrote all the data in a paper notebook, but later on we got a personal computer. All data were placed in a database . It contains data like serial number, date of acquire, city, cost, where it is made, pattern, material and more facts interesting to remember or to sort on. On the long term this seemed not to be sufficient enough to find out wether we possess a cup. I made a convenient classification. The main classification is pottery(2) and porcelain(4). They are sub-classified in:hanging(0), embosse inside beaker(1), embosse outside beaker(2), embossed foot(3), embossed neck(4), hooked neck(5) and round neck(6). This compared with the hight of the eggcup makes the first part of the modelnumber. For example model 240056.04 means a pottery(2) eggcup with an embossed neck(4) and a hight of 56mm(56) and this model is the fourth model with these characteristics(04) but different from the three before. And we have more than one eggcup of this model, (different pattern). Do we have only one eggcup of a model, the last figures are .00. The two zeroos at place 3 and 4 can be used for a sub classification. The hight difference within one model is normaly 1 or 2 mm. We also use this classification in our cabinets. When you click on "total collection sorted on shape" below, in the exposition sector, there it is worked out.

For the sub-groups the snapshots are placed in a spreadsheet. It has the same effect as a poststampalbum and is used in detaminating new bought egg cups. It tells too where an egg cup is situated in the drawer , for the best way of comparison is the physical way.

When the collection is below thousand eggcups, one knows quite well wether a cup is in the collection.The greater the collection the greater the incertainty. That 's why it still happens we bye an eggcup we already possess. We buy collections too in which there are many duplicates off course. This fills the duplicates box. Swapping, which would be logical is not so easy, because eggcup collectors in Holland are rather anonymus. So a swapping-point on the internet is organised. I place my duplicates on this website and everybody is welcome to send his or her duplicates to me. They have a partikular exchange-value and for that value one can make a choice out of the duplicates on the website. It is necessary to make an appointment for this, because more collectors could choose at the same time the same eggcup. The eggcups we already possess are placed on the website under Swapping&sale in order to swap with another collector. We will try to refill the website to have at least 500 eggcups to be chosen. If you have nothing to swap, the cups are for sale too. Are you interested in swapping or buying click





We expose on this website and refresh it regular so come back soon.

If you want to see a part of the collection click on the eggcup to see that part.


update nr17000


updatenr 10300



update nr 17000


update nr10845

   update nr10845


update till nr 11687


update till nr 17000


update till nr 17000


update till nr 16960










Egg cups we do not collect, just photograph:

 numeral order  model order        


numeral order


shape order


on numeral order







The collections we bought or obtained since 2007 are to be seen here completely

Total amount of collections from 1996 until now = 325 (142 donations and 183 bought).
 mrs Haestregt from Roelofarendsveen  mrs Hooft from Zoetermeer  mrs Steursma from Visvliet
 fam Evers from Hoorn  mrs Nap from Woudenberg  mrs Slingerland from Leiden
 mrs Droste from Albergen  mrs Otten from Nijeveen  mrs Sloot from Rockanje
 mrs Christophersen from Alkmaar  mrs Mulder from Groningen  mrs Brons from Bakkeveen
 mrs Fifis from Mook  mevr Breet from Kampen  mrs Noppert from Kampen
 mrs Pronk from Nieuwegein  mrs Leewis from Utrecht  mrs v.d Ster from Leidschendam
 mrs Groenbroek from Voorthuizen    
 mrs Keuning from Eindhoven  mrs Haffmans from Gorssel  mrs Geelkens from Sittard
 mrs vd Werf ter Meer from Neede  mrs Looij from Rotterdam  mrs Keulen from Schin op Geul
 mrs Gaastra from Ter Aar  fam Tuitel from Maassluis  mrs Spijkerman from Heiloo
 mrs Glas from Wieringerwerf  mrs Vermeulen from Nieuwe Niedorp  mrs Henstra from Grijpskerk
 mrs Lageveen from Hantumhuizen  mrs. Janmaat from Aalsmeer  mr Düking from Duiven
 mrs Melis from Barendrecht  mrs Vollendam from Meppel  mr. Muijen from Genderen
 mrs v.Emmen from Dalfsen  mrs Kerkvliet from Haarlem  mrs Verploeg from Buurmalsen
 mrs Schamps from Nijmegen  mrs Smits from Baarlo  mrs Zwaanswijk from Heerhugowaard
 mrs Bongers from Zwolle  mrs den Hertog from Haarlem  mrs Cousijn from Harlingen
 mrs Kamman from Aalden  mrs Hartgers from Zevenaar  mr and mrs Driessen from Loosduinen
 mrs Vels from Apeldoorn  mrs Rijkeboer from Meppel  mrs Bruil from Meppel
 mrs Wijsbeek from Hoogezand  mrs Veen from Soesterberg  mrs Hondong from Heerlen
 mrs Thijs from Eersel  mrs Ruijgrok from Pijnacker  mrs Augustinus from Apeldoorn
 mrs Dormolen from Alphen a/d Rijn  mrs Gersen from Nunspeet  mrs Willig from Muiderberg
 mrs Hoegen from Ridderkerk  mrs Vrieselaar from Doetinchem  mrs Westerveld from Landsmeer
 mrs de Jong from Raamsdonksveer  mrs Anema from Zeewolde  mrs v.Gelder from Beneden Leeuwen
 mrs v.d.Brand from Boxtel  mrs v.d.Oever from Heesch  mrs Siebel from Zuidoostbeemster
 mrs. Hilgers from Purmerend  mrs Norder from Stadskanaal  
 mrs Aubertijn from Alkmaar  mrs Stam from Egmond aan Zee  mrs Veen from Dordrecht
 mrs Hazenboom from Rottevalle  mrs Rhebergen from Winterswijk  mrs Nistelrooij from Blaricum
 mrs de Groot from Rhoon  mrs Sikkema from Nieuwerschans  mr Veneman from Hattem
 mrs Kester from Woerden  mrs Leyen from Noord Scharwoude  mrs Jongstra from Amsterdam
 mr ter Horst from Den Haag  mrs Ali from Felixtowe  mrs Schipperus from Schiedam
 mrs de Lange from Hoogeveen  mrs v.Agtmaal from Roosendaal  mrs Relouw from Hoensbroek
 fam. Wolters from Leeuwarden(634)  mrs.v.Heiningen from Nijeveen(67)  mrs. Polling from Milsbeek(106)
 mrs. Nobels from Nijmegen(320)  mrs Bode from Enkhuizen(182)  mrs Schröder from Heerlen(582)
 mrs Egberts from Velp(88)  mrs v.d. Velde from Heerlen(520)  mrs v. Seyst from Zoetermeer(886)
 mrs Lagerweij from Haarlem(177)  mrs Roelofs from Wijchen(2103)  
 mrs v. Dijk from Lelystad(564)  mrs Krale from Zundert(759)  mrs Schra from Ens(547)
 fam Voorbij from Duiven(425)  mrs Merkies from Zeewolde(465)  mrs Wesemann from Amersfoort(625)
  mrs.v.Dijk from Roden(750)  mrs Beelen from Wassenaar(102)  mrs Ronner from Ommen(73)
 mrs Swachten from Swalmen (1052)    
 mrs Fransen from Lopik (374)  Mrs Hatzmann from Raalte(184)  Mrs Spaanderman from Leiderdorp(122)
 mrs Verhoef from IJsselstein(77)  mrs Derkx from Maastricht(199)  Mrs Velden from Ossendrecht(484)
 mrs Sijben from St Odilienberg(740)  mrs Dutrieux from Doornspijk(201)  Mrs Letsch from Meppel(347)
 mrs v. Erk from Schiedam(41)  mrs Frankhuisen from Nieuwegein(596)  mr.Hofman from Oegstgeest(1266)
 mrs Raben from Epe(687)  mrs Dekker from Doetinchem(381)  mrs Loon from Pannerden(211)
 mrs Grijpma from Breukelen(285)  mrs Dijk from Hardegarijp(435)  mrs Schoustra from Den Haag(1293)
 mrs Enting from Rijswijk(409)  mrs Schenkel from Alteveer(368)  mrs Vos from Epe(174)
 mrs vd Meij from Deventer(322)  mr Kerster from Hilversum(196)  mrs.Endeman from Den Ham(1166)
 mrs v.Aken from Bunnik(73)  mr Max from Noordwolde(585)  mrs Schuldink from Nieuwleusen(1254)
 mr Waghorn from London(220)  mr Huybreghts from Zoersel(67)  mrs Krispin from Bilthoven(73)
 mrs Reijers from Afferden(1998)    
 mrs Gaasbeek from Goirle(4097)  mrs Spek from Swifterbant(332)  mevr Zwitserlood from Schiedam(1320)
 mrs Room from Wilhelminaoord(161)  mrs Tiedink fromBeuningen(275)  mrs Tiemens from De Wijk(1730)
 mrs Cattie from As(Belgium)(113)  mrs Moons from Schilde(Belgium)(625)  mrs Borghans from Amersfoort(63)
 mrs Weerheim from Delft(148)  mrs Faber from Stavoren(373)  mrs Knip from Sloten N.H. (323)
 mrs Naderman from Eindhoven(350)  mrs Berende fr Geertruidenberg(365)  mrs Raats from Bergen op Zoom(1011)
 mrs Nap from Den Helder(683)  mrs Kremer from Apeldoorn(754)  mrs Maria from Leiden(181)
 mrs Schipper from Dordrecht(1379)  mrs v.d.Huek from Utrecht(125)  mr Smits from Den Haag(89)
 mrs Versteegh from Bodegraven(571)  mrs Scheffer from Ede(274)  mrs.Ingenpass from Meerlo(512)
 mrsEngels from Nijmegen(302)  mrs Mensink from Denekamp(460)  mrs Veenman from Ankeveen(1137)
 mrs Hertzenberg from Wezep(63)  mr Wiggers from Wijhe(31)  mrs Reijers from Nijmegen(477)
 mrs Achtereekte from Schalkhaar(35)  mrs Horst-Vollmuller fr. Benschop(765)  mrs Caspersen from Deventer(557)
 mrs Otten from Almelo(289)  mr Peeters from Maasbree(261)  mrs Vlutters from Oldenzaal(295)
 mrs X from Schwerte(G)(860)  mrs Toirkens from Bakel(556)  mrs Kreeft from Veghel (145)
 mrsRoovers from Didam(130)  mrs Eyk from Maasland(189)  mrs Knijnenburg from Zwijndrecht(289)
 mrs Dijxhoorn from Hengelo(865)  mrs Lochs from Stein(84)  
 mrs Hofmeier from StBlasien (3795)  mrs Smit from Aalsmeer (59)  mrs Visker from Nuth(142)
 mr Warven from Kampen (635)  mrs Verhoog from Amsterdam(210)  mrs Drenth from Alkmaar(780)
 mrs Bruin from Utrecht(213)  mrs Notenboom from Zwijndrecht(348)  mrs Overvelde from Eibergen(692)
 mrs v.Hemmen from Voorburg(125)  mrs.v.Gils from Dommelen(101)  mr Lichtendaal from Helmond(92)
 mrs Neve from Waddinxveen(1296)  mrs Nietzman from Zwolle(432)  mrs Daas from Zaandam(935)
 mrs Bos from Zwijndrecht(162)  mrs Wijbenga from Zoutkamp(700)  mrs Methorst from Amersfoort(431)
 mr Kampes from Ravenstein(975)  mrs den Breejen from Meeuwen (95)  mrs Straver from Bleiswijk(627)
 mrs de Kort from Veenendaal(1791)  mrs Bodbijl from Harderwijk (64)  mrs Papenburg from Apeldoorn(121)
 mrs Mulder from Apeldoorn(207)  mrs. Oomen from Nederhemert(200)  mrs Kitty from Tilburg(557)
 mr Knudsen from Potsdam(941)  mrs Haan from Spakenburg(700)  mrs Arxhoek from Lelystad(153)
 mr Jansen from Nijverdal(367)  mrs Groeneweg from Barendrecht(428)  

 mrs de Jong from Sassenheim(83)  mrs Zweers from Lutten(470)  mrs.v.Woensel from Amersfoort(35)
 mrs Masclé from Amersfoort(147)  mrs Janssen from Huissen(397)  mrs.Roetman from Weesp(435)
 mrs Hendriks from Nijmegen(86)  mrs Roord from Bussum(90)  mrs ter Braak from Enschede(830)
 mrs Utrecht from Dordrecht(340)  mrs Sijs from Middelburg(92)  mrs Vogelpoel from Ede(392)
 mrs X from Den Bosch(255)  mrs Born from Den Haag(1111)  mrs Sanders from Geesbrug(387)
 mrs Becker from Grave(40)  mrs Nijhuis from Hengelo(52)  mrs Feenstra from Dordrecht.(398)
 mrs Pit from Eesveen(1035)  mrs Schuttinga from Geldermalsen(333)  mrs Rooke from Amersfoort(679)
 mrs v Velzenfrom Kwintsheul(449)  mrs Tankink from Doetinchem(151)  mrs Smit from Katwijk(145)
 mr. v.Velde from Veghel(47)  mrs Bakker from Andijk(1582)  mrs Heugten from Deurne(449)
 mrs. Nijboer from Emmeloord(1134)  mrs Klaver from Winterswijk  mrs Dijkstra from Aalsmeer(39)
 mrs. Verwimp from Eindhoven(580)  mrs Verhoeven from Horst(371)  mrs.Verkes from Zwolle(47)
 Mr Vugt from Ridderkerk(240)  mrs Beek from Stroe(92)  mrs v Leeuwen from Leiderdorp(871)
 mw v Woensel from Ettenleur(70)  mrs Haarman from Oldenzaal(233)  
 mrs Koster from Westervoort(944)  mrs Smiss from Brummen(229)  mrs.v.Mierlo from Valkenswaard(394)
 mr Pieper from Eindhoven(567)  mrs Röhder from Kempen(557)  mrs Erskine from Wilts(GB)(29)
 mr Breij from Amstelveen(186)  mrs Nieuwland from Vorden(1400)  mrs Fons from Moordrecht(197)
 mrs Winninghoff from Rotterdam(166)  mrs Broeke from Duiven(65)  mrs Cremers from Simpelveld(889)
 mr Ligtvoet from Woudenberg(65)  mrs Hassing from Ede(213)  mrs Moolenkamp te Hoevelaken(421)
 mrs.Hoogeveen from Oosterbeek(227)  mrs Veldsink from Borne(1283)  mrs Nolden from Mönchengladbach(431)
 mrs. Stratum from Eindhoven(1229)  mrs. Bloemendaal from Stamproy(526)  mrs.v. Harmelen from Zaltbommel(173)
 mrs Kemp from Spijk(1165)    
 mrs. Verhulst from Brussels(520)  mrs Casteel from Oegstgeest(130)  



Egg cups on Facebook:Egg cups collectors group https://www.facebook.com/groups/Pocillovist/


eggcups.blogspot.com contains a lot of information about egg cups.

A website about German egg cup collectors: https://www.eierbechermuseum.de

Do you have questions or suggestions mail me